onsdag 26. september 2012

Hawaii Five-O season 3 premiere on Waikiki beach

Sunday, September 23 the Hawaii Five-0 Season 3 Premiere took place on the sands of Waikiki Beach. Producers, actors and eager fans showed up on this sunny day exited to see the episode of the show.

HPU student and Hawaii Five-0 fan Maren Bjørgum
It was a big screen on the beach, bands preforming and different stands with food. The area was filled with camping chairs, laughter and parasols. People from the whole island gathered friends and family on this sunny day. One of the fans who also attended last year is Maren Bjørgum. She has followed the show since she went to the event last year.

 - Last year, we sneaked in the front, and I actually had eye contact with Scott, she giggles. 

Mostly the beach is filled with tourists, but this evening the local people also were at Waikiki. Nearly 6000 people attended, and it was an atmosphere. A lot of eager fans surrounded the red carpet in the sunset.

 - I am very pleased that it started to rain like it did last year. I got ongoing comments from the old ladies next to us, and it was a good mood through the whole view, Maren Says. 

Maren hoped to get a glance of the actors. To her disappointment either Scott Caan or Grace Park attended the premiere, but she thought the episode was great. There were lots of cliff hangers, as it should be in a first episode of a drama series. 

mandag 24. september 2012

The dream- behind all reason

As a little girl HPU student Agnes Østengen(22), dreamt of being a writer. The journey of life changes a person’s goals. She still loves writing, but now she studies to become a journalist. What makes us let go of our childhood dreams?

In ten year Agnes sees herself working in one the biggest papers in Norway, in the cultural department. She says things have changed since she was a girl.  She felt the need to set more realistic goals. Also, work and school takes all her time, and she doesn’t have space for dreaming anymore. 

-             In middle school I had a crazy fantasy. I often wrote books, and every Christmas I used to make this calendar with 24 different stories, she explains laughing.

She says she always loved writing. In high school they were forced to write more factual texts. This is what she mostly has done since then. After high school, Agnes took one year of cultural journalist studies, before she began to study Media and communication.

-             At first I wanted to study journalism, but when I got into Media and communication studies, and I liked it a lot, because I have learned to use many different media channels, Agnes says.

She has had different jobs in addition to school. Her first journalistic work was in a local newspaper. Agnes says she has developed a lot in the later years, after getting some journalistic experience. She appreciates she got the chance to learn my doing. After this, she got to work for Oslo fashion week, where she became PR- chief. 

-             I have learned a lot from working with PR, but I was often jealous at the journalist. I like to write more creative and detailed stories, Agnes says engaged. 

After some thinking she tells that behind all the reason, she dreams about writing books. She wishes she had more time to write more as a hobby. Her ultimate dream is to rent a house at the beach alone, where she could write all day.

søndag 16. september 2012

Biography- this is me


My name is Karoline Gjermundsen, and I'm a 21 year old girl from Norway. I created this blog for one of the classes I'm taking; "Writing for the new media".  I am taking a semester in Hawaii at HPU, as a part of my bacheor in media and communication. Other classes I'm taking this fall is; Photojournalism, Graphic design, Creativity and Photography.

After christimas I have an internship In Cosmopolitan with Art directing, before I'm going to write my bachelor thesis. I'm interested in fashion, so this is a opportunity for me to work with something I am passionate about, and that is relevant for my education. At home I have been working as a backstage-manager at Oslo fashion week, and as a photographer and journalist for a magazine called; IN- Magasinet(www.inmagasinet.no).

I'm a creative person, and I'm always working on something. One of my hobbies is fashion design, and I just made a webpage for my work; www.kgclothing.no. After taking a media education, I have learned to handle different media channels. I'm looking forward to learn more at HPU.


mandag 10. september 2012

My reaction to the movie "Act of war"

Our first assignment in the class "writing for the new media" ,was to write a reaction to the film we saw in class, "Act of war". It is a documentary about the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The powerful story made me feel sad for the Hawaiian people. Their own traditions have been taken from them by the Americans. It actually made me angry. I learned that the Native Hawaiians are the minority now. They are the poor and uneducated people in their own country. Americans have taken over their land, and most of it was sold to Americans and the British.                                                           

The movie came out in 1991. The technology has developed a lot since then. The movie started off with beautiful pictures of Hawaii. Suddenly it changed to people getting arrested and demonstrating. This made me react instantly. The rest of the movie showed a lot of pictures while different people were telling the story, and some scenes where acted. A modernized version would make it even more engaging, if there had been more acted scenes, Hawaiian music and better quality. But the power of this film did reach out, since Bill Clinton sent an apology letter on behalf of the people of the United States, to the Hawaiian people after watching it. 

The message came across clear. All of the information in the film was new for me, so I got very surprised. I am a tourist in Hawaii, and I think most of us don’t know much about the Hawaiian history. After seeing this movie I want to learn more about Hawaiian history, and make an effort to understand and respect their traditions and culture. I think that is a step in the right direction!

-Karoline Gjermundsen